In August 2024, Ukrainian forces in Kursk Oblast successfully captured a Russian Volnorez electronic warfare system along with related documentation. The system was reportedly found in its original packaging, as revealed by Ukrainian journalist Yurii Butusov, who shared video footage of the captured equipment.
First observed in action by Russian forces in fall 2023, the Volnorez system is designed to form a virtual protective dome around its carrier, mainly tanks, to protect them from drone attacks. It is specifically designed to combat first-person view (FPV) drones, which are increasingly used in modern warfare, Militarnyi reports.
According to the captured documentation, the Volnorez system operates in two specific frequency bands: 390-510 MHz and 750-1050 MHz. The device is designed as a cone-shaped device that is attached to the armor of a tank with magnets.
When activated, the Volnorez system is designed to disrupt communications between an incoming drone and its control station, causing the drone to veer off course and the protected vehicle to avoid being hit. This is particularly effective against the home-made FPV attack drones currently used by both sides of the conflict, which typically immediately fall to the ground if the signal is lost.
However, Militarnyi says more sophisticated civilian drones like the Mavic 3 are programmed to hover in place or return to their takeoff point if communication with their operators is lost.
Later, Yuri Butusov also published photos of another captured Russian electronic warfare system called K-8 Kapyushin, which is manufactured by NPO Kilovatt, installed in vehicles and military equipment and covers most radio frequencies in the range from 400 to 5,900 MHz.